Monday, October 18, 2004

VIRLANIE Foundation

Was very glad to read about a foundation based in Manila dedicated to uplifting the lives of streetchildren. The organization is called VIRLANIE Foundation. VERLANIE actually stands for VItalizing Responsible Living Adulthood through Nurturance Industry and Education. According to their website, ever since they were established in 1992, they have helped thousands of children who have been victims of various forms of abuse and exploitation from the street, from jail, from prostitution and syndicates and even from their own families and relatives.

Princess Caroline of Monaco is set to visit the foundation in Manila this year. Princess Caroline is also said to visit the Philippines solely to visit the children and their families. The Philippines is a struggling country and we need every foreign support we can get to support and nourish the very future of this country. Kudos to Virlanie for their great job!


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