Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Questions to Answer

We see with unopened eyes sometimes.

On a visit to the Agora Street School, we saw these on the blackboard for the day's lesson. Question #1: What will you do if you knew your friend was raped? Question #2: What would happen if you don't have a birth or baptismal certificate?

It is overwhelming. Looking at it, one can't help but think 'this is not right, ten year olds shouldn't be asked these questions!' They should be running around being kids and not think about such terrible things. Though hard to accept, that is their reality. It shook me up that we continue learning at the most unexpected places, at the most unexpected moments and from the most unexpected people.

I see courage in them to face such difficult lives, and discipline to get to school everyday despite not having breakfast or supper the night before. They teach us to be grateful of what we have and do not have, as they say their prayers of gratitude towards their teacher, their friends, and to Our Father. They teach us that we are not perfect people, they may not have perfect parents who cannot give them what they deserve, but still, they believe that their lives can change.

For them, change do not just happen; someone has to make the first move. And if you are reading this, that person will probably be you.


Blogger Brennan said...

"They teach us to be grateful of what we have and do not have...

...they believe that their lives can change."

by reading this blog, i'm blessed because of at lease two things:
(1) i am also from CDO
(2) and that even with the little things we do, we could actually make a big difference in this world.

press on.

6:09 AM  

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